
As a software engineer, I passionately problem-solve with creativity and empathy in Full Stack software development roles, with skills like React, Redux, JavaScript, Node, Python, Flask, Sequelize, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, and Docker.

These skills are on full display in website projects I built solo and in team settings that mimic features of popular websites.

My coding is fueled by my curiosity, teamwork, and discipline built through my academic pursuits in business administration, economics, mathematics, and finance.

I learned to pick up new tech skills quickly during my digital content career, designing full-page magazine ads, travelling globally for photography, and editing marketing videos.

In sum, I continuously learn new tools and concepts to build solutions in software development to better the world.


Artboard 16


Whim Logo "Splurging made easy!"

Project Title: Whim

A full-stack single-page Wish.com clone where users can browse, search, filter, and save products in a cart by type and quantity before ordering.

Start shopping now:

Whim in action:

login & infinite scrolling Whim Scroll Feature GIF
dynamic content resizing Whim Dynamic Resize Feature GIF
search with suggestions Whim Search Feature GIF
filtering products Whim Filter Feature GIF
adding products to cart Whim Select Feature GIF
checking out Whim Checkout Feature GIF

Project Repository:

React, Redux, JavaScript, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, AWS S3, Google Oauth2, Docker

Feature Highlights:
  • Implemented a shopping cart using database storage and Redux to allow the user item creation, quantity updates, and ordering
  • Produced an auto-suggest, keyboard-navigable search using trigrams and product keywords to deliver fast results as the user typed
  • Built infinitely-scrolling product feeds that dynamically queried & loaded content using React hooks for fast & effortless browsing
  • Algorithmically generated seed data to populate 3000+ product types and 87,000+ search terms to deliver a rich shopping experience
  • Added Google invisible ReCAPTCHA & Secure Sockets Layer with HTTPS redirect to bolster user authentication and security
  • Made a product filter using SQLAlchemy filtering and Postgres trigrams to find 8 similar products filtered by 10 ratings & prices
  • Developed randomized, infinitely scrolling, and dynamically-resizing image carousels using CSS3 and React methods entice user login
  • Created 6 unique hand-coded user-input forms for login/signup and all selection dropdowns using only divs & React hooks, with validation on the frontend and backend, to handle input confirmation & errors, creating visually unique, yet secure, forms

Zenmo Logo "Share Payments"

Project Title: Zenmo

A full-stack single-page Venmo clone where users can make transactions or requests along with comments and likes while following other users.

Start sharing payments now:

Zenmo in action:

login & infinite scrolling Zenmo Login Feature GIF
leave likes & comments Whim Comment Like Feature GIF
make friends & pay them Zenmo Pay Feature GIF
switch feed types Zenmo Switch Feeds Feature GIF

Project Repository:

React, Redux, JavaScript, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, AWS S3, Google Oauth2, Docker

Feature Highlights:
  • Collaborated with fellow team members using GitHub Projects agile methods to manage responsibilities and produce features
  • Created 3 unique main feed types with React hooks to show either user public, friend, or private transactions based on user preference
  • Added user ability to make comments and likes on posts based on friendship status by passing React hooks between components
  • Integrated Google Oauth2 via hidden backend API key combined with Google user data requests to enable one-button login/signup

DizneyPlus Logo "Stream Disney Trailers"

Project Title: Dizney Plus

A full-stack Disney+ clone where users browse and stream trailers for Disney-related TV show and movies.

Start sharing now:

Dizney+ in action:

login & browsing Dizney Login Feature GIF
play video trailers Dizney Play Trailer Feature GIF
search for your favorite titles Dizney Search Feature GIF
switch between profiles Dizney Accounts Feature GIF

Project Repository:

Express.js, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Pug, AWS S3, CSS3

Feature Highlights:
  • Worked within a 1-week timeframe to develop assigned minimum viable products while balancing support of team members
  • Provided 7 customizable profiles by coupling Express routes with Sequelize ORM associations to add dashboard personalization
  • Organized and displayed 600+ Disney+ images by incorporating Amazon S3 hosting to create a media-rich and robust experience
  • Secured user signup/login and form input by implementing Bcrypt password hashing and CSRF protection tokens to encrypt passwords and entered data while using RegEx to check for correct form entries to support user authentication & authorization


App Academy logo

Organization: App Academy (2020)

At App Academy's full stack coding bootcamp, I developed as a software engineer, covering various software developement principles and practices in a peer-programming setting full-time. Key highlights were developing the three full stack projects shown on this portfolio site in solo and team settings that replicated key features of popular websites (Wish.com, Venmo.com, DisneyPlus.com) within short timeframes while learning new skills and technologies on the fly.

Technologies Covered:
React, Redux, JavaScript, Express.js, Sequelize, Node.js, Bcrypt, Flask, Python, Alembic, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, SQL, Docker, Sorting Algorithms, Data Structures, Networking Protocols, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Git, AWS, Heroku, Github, HTML, CSS


  • Regularly spent 80-100 hours a week studying and coding full-time for 8+ months in person and remotely
  • Peer-programming and whiteboarding on algorithms and projects for 4-6 hours daily
  • Developed a portfolio of 3 full-stack app websites in individual and team settings that cloned specific features of the following:

UCR logo

Organization: University of California, Riverside (2017-2019)

As a graduate student, I earned an MBA with a 3.7 GPA while working as a Business Writing Teaching Assistant, marketing intern, and serving as Vice President of the Anderson Graduate School of Management Student Association.

Technologies Covered: Excel, Eviews, ArcGIS, Tableau

Academic Highlights:
  • Dean's Scholar
  • Professional Scholarship
  • Teaching Assistantship
Harvard Business Simulation report
Shake Shack corporate strategic analysis report
Infectious Disease excel simulation report
Lexus of Riverside consulting report
Bloomberg Market Concepts certificate
GDP modelling & prediction report

Marketing Internship Highlights:
  • Graduate Business School Admissions Office (2018)
  • Assisted the admissions team in developing a recruitment strategy through collaborative meetings to generate admissions interest
  • Consulted on creative vision for recruitment event execution using marketing research and techniques for more student engagement
  • Collaborated with UC Human Resources and Marketing using Adobe Creative Suite and Powerpoint to create 20+ marketing assets
internship report
designed ads UCR internship example
designed announcements UCR internship example
designed recruitment plan UCR internship example

Business Writing Teaching Assistant Highlights:
  • Undergraduate Business School (2018-2019)
  • Led 150+ students in mastering effective business communication with collaborative class discussion for 6+ quarterly projects
  • Advised on and graded 1000+ business reports, exams, and projects for pupils with constructive criticism and grading rubrics
student evaluation scores
student evaluation comments

CSULA logo

Organization: California State University, Los Angeles (2014-2017)

As an undergraduate student, I earned a BA in Applied Economics with minors in Mathematics and Finance.

Technologies Covered: Excel, Eviews, Stata

Academic Highlights:
  • Dean's List 2015 & 2016
  • Presented Infinite Series topic and whiteboarded equations for the Mathematical Association of America lecture series (2016)
  • Received a Federal Reserve Recognition for Economic Forecasting Presentation (2015)
  • Achieved 1st place in a class StockTrak simulation with 10% ROI (2015)

Federal Reserve Forecast report
Capstone - Seattle Minimum Wage
Caterpillar financial analysis
Mathematical Association of America presentation
Stocktrak (ID: Bobberay) personal performance analysis
Econometrics report

M7 logo

Organization: M7USA, llc. (2011-2013)

As Corporate Media Director and Digital Content Designer, I learned to wear many hats in a startup environment to promote brand identity, support team members cross-functionally, and assist international branches in workloads while I created marketing instruments, created digital content, managaged social media accounts, and managed team members.

Technologies Employed: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Constant Contact, HTML, CSS, Blogspot, Excel, MS Office

  • Bolstered brand identity by managing social media and producing 100+ marketing deliverables using photo & video editing software
  • Traveled continuously through the US and Asia for marketing events and client relations to develop content & business relationships
  • Managed 8 corporate social media accounts, increasing followers by 10,000+ by leveraging digital promotions and sponsorships

Import Tuner October 2013 Ad
Super Street September 2013 Ad
Shot/edit: DY Wheels Ad
Shot/edit: M7 Drivers at Sepang, Malaysia Ad
Shot/edit: Formula Drift 2012 Finals M7 Ad
Shot/edit: M7 Pro Racing Oil Ad